Monday, January 3, 2011

The Wild Ones

Only tame birds have a longing. The wild ones fly.
- Elmer Diktonius -

My 2011 toast was declared in my home town of Dallas, Pennsylvanian.  In the doorway stood the shadow of a little girl longing for things to come.  

I am the wild one.  Determined, driven, compulsive, and unrealistically optimistic.  Where did this seed come from?  

I have kept flying.  It takes courage to keep the wings in motion.  To enter each day with compassion, reverence, and conviction.

Regret, resentment and guilt will not ground me.  I stumble, I stand, I sturdy myself - time and time again.

I am grateful for the love and gentle kindness bestowed upon me.  For what I flew towards or fled from - the bright and the brutal.  For what triumph and tragedy have taught me.  

Magpie Goose courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Stylish hairdo courtesy of my mothers steady hand and my unwillingness to sit still.


  1. Happy New Year! Great post, Shannon! -Jay

  2. From a fellow Wild One, may our wings be ever moving toward our true self.

    I love that picture (LOL) I have one just like it!
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  3. I love the hairdoo! Yes, sometimes there is alot to be learned from walking against the tide, or up hill, backwards.

  4. Egads Shannon what was with our mom's. I too have a haircut photo to die for just not brave enough to post it!!!! Lol. Keep up with your blog.. You write from the soul and are not afraid to share it! Many thanks!!


  5. Love that you are a wild one. You add beauty and excitement to an otherwise bland world.

  6. Yes, you are right you have been to hell and back and stood strong. I commend you for that. May the new year bring you happiness and strength to keep on keeping on. Stay blessed.

    PS love the way you write :)

  7. Great post, Shannon! Happy flying into the year ahead. You've clearly demonstrated the power and strength of your wings.

  8. Thank you so much for reading me.... slowly getting the juices flowing here. It helps so much to know that YOU are out there!


Thank you for encouraging my JOY of writing. By reading and commenting you are feeding my soul, stroking my heart, and in the end...making me a better writer.

Thank You For Encouraging My Joy of Writing

Thank You For Encouraging My Joy of Writing

Shannon E. Kennedy


Photo by Joan Harrison